Del Vento Law Protects New Jersey Workers When It Counts

Workers across the state are getting down to business, from workers on construction sites who spend their days with heavy machinery to teachers who chase children across playgrounds. If you are working hard to make New Jersey a better state to live in, New Jersey should be working to make your workplace safer places, too. This is at the heart of workers’ compensation laws.

Since our founding in the 70’s, we have focused on providing injured parties with strong representation and a team that they can rely upon. We believe that our most important job is fighting for you. For a free consultation, call our office in Livingston, New Jersey today: 973-869-5325.

Steps To Take After A Workplace Injury

Unfortunately, very few employee trainings go over what to do after an accident. Whether your injury is from a deep fryer accident at a fast-food establishment or a crash while driving a delivery van, the steps should all be the same:

First, get medical care. Before you worry about the law, make sure you get any emergency medical services you need.

Next, report the incident to your supervisor. Your report should be formal and include any relevant information about the event, who was involved, any witnesses and your medical care that followed.

Then, gather as much information as you can. This includes any video or photographic evidence, your medical reports, any doctor statements, a copy of the report to your employer and any other information you have.

Frequently Asked Questions About Workers’ Compensation In New Jersey

As a firm with more than 50 years of experience serving our New Jersey clients, here are some of the questions we frequently hear about Workers’ Compensation.

  1. What is workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a system of insurance that provides medical treatment, wage replacement and other benefits to employees who are injured or become ill due to work-related activity. The vast majority of employees are covered under workers’ compensation.

  1. How does workers’ compensation work?

Workers’ compensation is a “no-fault” system. With few exceptions, it does not matter how the accident or illness occurred, only that your condition is somehow work-related. You can seek treatment immediately, but you must notify your employer of your claim, usually within 14 days of injury or onset.

  1. What does workers’ compensation cover?

In New Jersey, workers’ compensation covers various aspects of an injury or illness sustained on the job. This includes medical expenses related to the treatment of the injury or illness, some wage replacement benefits if you are unable to work due to the injury, vocational rehabilitation services if necessary to help you return to work and compensation for permanent disabilities resulting from the injury. It may also provide death benefits to dependents if the injury proves fatal.

  1. How do I apply for workers’ compensation?

The process of applying for workers’ compensation in New Jersey involves reporting your injury or illness to your employer, completing the necessary claim forms provided by your employer and submitting them to the workers’ compensation insurance carrier for review and determination of benefits.

  1. What is the waiting period for workers’ comp in New Jersey?

After applying for workers’ compensation, there’s typically a waiting period of seven days after the day you are unable to return to work due to your injury or illness before you can start receiving temporary disability benefits, but benefits are retroactive to the first day.

Finally, Call An Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Workers’ compensation can cover lost wages, medical bills and more, but insurance companies are notorious for denying them or underpaying. Our firm’s roots go back over 50 years; we can help. For a free appointment, send us an email.